Our Mission
CRREI Mission
Prepares students, teachers, and administrators to interact in a world that is increasingly diverse by learning about the histories, contributions, and realities of people of color
Makes historical and contemporary issues of equity, bias, racism and privilege accessible to students, teachers and administrators
Addresses contributors to racial inequity and trains educators to build more equitable schools by interrupting inequitable school practices
Provides Assistant Principal and Principal coaching
Critical Reflections on Racial Equity Inc. formerly Critical Reflections on Race and Equity Initiative (CRREI) 501c3 introduces a multiracial group of middle school, high school and upper school students to historical and contemporary issues of equity, racism, bias and privilege through participation in an elective course, Critical Reflections on Racial Issues in America. CRREI trains a cadre of middle school, high school and upper school teachers and administrators to teach the course, Critical Reflections on Racial Issues in America.
CRREI also exposes school-based administrators, central office administrators and Heads of School to the practices of effective principals that have demonstrated academic success with students of color in their buildings. These principals all lead a nationally or regionally recognized school that has significantly increased the achievement of African American and Latinx students. Non-magnet public schools where 80% or more of both the school’s African American and Latinx students are proficient on the State’s standardized English and Math assessments were selected. Additionally National Blue Ribbon Exemplary Public Schools and National Blue Ribbon Exemplary Gap Closing Schools and schools that received awards from the Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color (COSEBOC) that meet the above proficiency criteria were selected.
CRREI also provides sessions on effective teachers of Black, Latinx and Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) students, Successful Schools for Black, Latinx and AAPI Students, the Racial Context of 2024, Culturally Proficient Teaching, Power, Privilege, Racism and Bias, and Racial Identity Development.
CRREI wants to partner with you to build culturally responsive, equitable environments, where classroom teachers can disrupt inequities, amplify student voices, promote student leadership and encourage students of color to take an active role in improving the school environment.
Durham, North Carolina